In its first edition, put on in Caudete, my hometown, the Numskull Brass Festival flooded every single summer night with concerts. The performances, all of them for free, took place in an incomparable framework, the Music Square (Plaza de la Música, Paseo Luis Golf) and there was a mass audience enjoying them. The major concerts were broadcasted on TV during the whole week and following days.

Kudt Brass
Tuesday, 14th July 2015
The concert which opened the cycle of performances was the one carried out by the teachers’ staff of the I Numskull Brass Festival Caudete. The good sensations of this first act made a good impression on the audience so they would come back to see it during the whole week.

The New York Quartet & friends
Wednesday, 15th July 2015
Chamber music blew in from the Big Apple: in front of a very devoted audience, the New Yorker Quartet covered the sounds of this awesome summer night with a really deep North-American character.

Concert of students of the I Numskull Brass Festival Caudete
Thursday, 16th July 2015
A moment of truth was totally needed for the students from the festival, who, putting in practice all they have learnt during the course, made the audience feel proud.

Concierto de solistas
Thursday, 16th July 2015
As night was falling, a recital by all the teachers from the festival, who performed as soloists accompanied by La Banda Unión Musical Santa Cecilia de Caudete, under the direction of Antonio Lajara, gathered a huge amount of listeners so full capacity was reached.

Quartega’s Brass & Juan Sanjuan Más
Friday, 17th July 2015
In the middle of the afternoon we could enjoy this incredible brass quartet formed by a father and his three children, accompanied by the first prize of the Spanish Musical Youths (Juventudes Musicales de España).

Numskull Duo & friends
Friday, 17th July 2015
The closing concert was held on Friday Evening and it was borne by Numskull Duo. During the break, the diplomas were given to all the students of the I Numskull Brass Festival.

More information about Numskull Brass Festival Caudete: