The “Ink Concerto” is a captivating work composed by Ricardo Mollá, commissioned through a consortium organized by Kyle Gordon, a distinguished member of the United States Army Band “Pershing’s Own, which allowed bass trombonists of the caliber of Charlie Vernon, Bill Thomas, or James Nova (among many others) to get involved in the project.
The piece is structured in three movements: “Ink & Blood,” “Tattoo Portal,” and “Magical Etching.” Each movement delves into a narrative that intertwines the physical and metaphysical, creating a profound storytelling experience through music.
The concerto tells the story of a tattoo artist who, during a night of vigil at the hospital beside her ill mother, experiences a revelation. In a dream, she is drawn into a fantastical world of tattoos, embarking on an adventure to find the perfect tattoo design for her mother—a design that symbolizes a wish unfulfilled in her mother’s youth. The narrative progresses through the movements, reflecting the artist’s journey from the initial emotional turmoil to the magical discovery and ultimate creation of this significant piece of art.
Throughout the composition, tempo markings and dynamic shifts such as “Needle Dance,” “Pierced Skin,” “Dermis Boundaries,” and “Ink Fusion” serve as vivid indicators of the evolving emotional and narrative arc, guiding both performers and listeners through a journey that is at once personal and universally resonant.
“Ink Concerto” is more than a musical work; it is a journey of emotion, memory, and creative discovery, masterfully crafted for bass trombone and piano.
Year of composition
Three Movements:
I. Ink and Blood.
II. Tattoo Portal.
III. Magical Etching.
Bass trombone and piano*.
*It includes a simplified piano adaptation.
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